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Deploy a Rails App

Once you have provisioned your infrastructure by running it using a Terraform runner, the next step is getting your application deployed. This guide will show you how to configure your Rails app for deployment.

Click on Configure on the target app you want to deploy.

app directory

Rails Build Pack

For your Rails app select the base-rails pack. This sets up all the system dependencies. Then choose your add-ons.

build pack config

In this guide we’re choosing the following:

  • base-rails
    • postgresql
    • active-storage-s3
    • good-job

If you don’t see the add-on or pack you want to use, please reach out. We will work towards getting the add-on you want into our platform.

Configuration Generation

Once you click Next you’ll be able to see a preview and breakdown of the configuration that will be delivered to your application.

generated config

This configuration is meant as a starting point for your application. You can configure this further once it’s submitted to your repository as a pull request.